Welcome to the ‘CoMS working group’ page!
Need to bounce ideas off of someone or get advice on a complicated omics issue?
Weekly, a member from a team of experts will provide guidance during an informal Q&A session.
Stop by the office hours (see below for link). Office hours can include questions/answers and discussions about the microbiome, virome, and advanced ecological statistics analyses.
For the most productive session, click on the intake form button below to fill in a short survey about your research question. A Working Group Team member will get back to you.
Resources for Grad Students!
- Microbiome Science Grad Student Union:
- Microbiome Science Informatics Resources:
2024-2025 Working Group Leads

Ricardo Pavan, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Kimberley S. Ndlovu, PhD student
Every Tuesday
1 pm – 2 pm EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 980 9505 2476
Password: 332837
- The basics: using bash, OSC, python, and R (download pdf)
- Visit the Microbiome Informatics Webinar Series page and CoMS’s YouTube channel where you can access webinar videos on a variety of microbiome analysis topics.