About the Center of Microbiome Science (CoMS)
In 1997, the Microbiology department was funded by the DOE and the NSF to study microbial communities in natural settings, essentially studying microbiome science before the world “microbiome” was even part of everyday lexicon. This persisted for nearly two decades, when in 2013, a small group of faculty at Ohio State University began organizing around the study of microbial communities across environments and within animal and human hosts. In 2017, this science gained more formal recognition on campus with the establishment of the Microbial Communities Thematic Program as part of Infectious Diseases Institute.
Built on the early efforts and energy of many individuals across campus, The Center of Microbiome Science (CoMS) was launched in 2020 (formalized as a cross-college, University-level “big C” Center in Nov 2020) and also became part of the Microbiome Centers Consortium.
CoMS is a highly interdisciplinary network of faculty at Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital representing over 100 faculty from 10 different colleges.
The four focus areas of CoMS are:
This includes building community within and between investigators in microbiome science, enabling investigators to perform microbiome studies by building out molecular and bioinformatic tools on campus, and providing trainee education and opportunities to gain high-tech digital skills in computational microbiology and bioinformatics.
To date, CoMS efforts have resulted in:
support for sole-PI and multi-million-dollar microbiome and institute grants
the development of a five course Microbiome Training Track for graduate students
trainee-led microbiome, virome, and advanced ecological statistics working groups
multiple ideation, networking and training workshops and symposia around microbiome sciences
the launch of a Microbiome Platform that offers complete sample-to-sequence-to-analyses solutions for genome-resolved microbiome and virome science that is highly scalable via the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC)

Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D.
Founding Director, CoMS
Professor of Microbiology and Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Professor
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Investigator
Co-director | OSU Infectious Diseases Institute Microbial Communities Program
Leadership Team | OSU EMERGE Biology Integration Institute
College of Arts and Sciences + College of Engineering
The Ohio State University

Vanessa L. Hale, DVM, MAT, PhD
Associate Director, CoMS
Assistant Professor
Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center

Jenessa Winston, PhD
Assistant Professor
Small Animal Internal Medicine
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center

Steven Goodman, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Director of the Oral GI Microbiology Research Affinity Group
Center for Microbial Pathogenesis
Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Daniel J Spakowicz, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
Pelotonia Institute for Immuno-Oncology
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Justin Kaspar, PhD
Assistant Professor, Division of Biosciences
The Ohio State University College of Dentistry

Karen C. Dannemiller, PhD
Associate Professor and COE Innovation Scholar
College of Engineering, Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering
College of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences
Sustainability Institute
The Ohio State University