One of the core missions of the Center of Microbiome Science is teaching. As such, we aim to provide world-class resources for learning microbiome science.
Below, you will find a list of old and new webinars, which we aim to make freely accessible after the live event via recordings posted on various platforms, including YouTube.
You can access each webinar via the main menu or below.
The ECR Viromics Webinar Series is a fully virtual forum to enable early career researchers to showcase their research online to the community.
The talks will focus on the study of viruses in complex communities, including natural and built environment ecosystems. We invite you to nominate speakers below.
The ECR Viromics Webinar Series is a collaborative effort between:
- the European Virus Bioinformatics Center
- the NSF EMERGE Biology Integration Institute
- the Center of Microbiome Science.
Visit the The ECR Viromics Webinar Series page for the current lineup or past seminar information.
The Microbiome Informatics Webinar Series represents a first phase effort to digitize 7 years of a hands-on informatics training course in this space, with a focus that goes beyond 16S-based studies to leverage the power of shotgun sequencing.
Each 1.5 – 2 hour webinar will provide a brief concept introduction, and then hands-on practical exercises designed to provide cutting-edge first phase of training in Microbiome Informatics to empower researchers to better understand microbes and their viruses in complex communities.
The series is available for viewing on the CoMS YouTube channel.