We are excited to invite you to submit your abstract to the Midwest Microbiome Symposium, Tiny architects: The microbiomes shaping our world. This year's symposium will be held May 12-14 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio.
Abstracts should include the following information (also see example abstract below):
Presenter Full Name
Presenter Status: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoc, Not a Trainee
Would you like your abstract to be considered for a short talk?: Yes/No
Abstract Title
Full Names of Authors, Underline presenter name
Author Departmental and University / Institution Affiliations
Abstracts should be limited to 300 words and not include diagrams, illustrations, or other graphic objects.
Abstracts should contain the following:
Adequate background for broad scientific audience (1 point)
Concise summary of methods and results (or overview of results that will be shared) (2 points)
Be written clearly (e.g., no typos, awkward phrasing) (1 point)
Selected trainee poster presenters will be notified by April 25, 2025
No specific template is required. Suggested poster size: 48” height x 36” width
If you have questions, please email microbiome@osu.edu.
We look forward to receiving your abstract!