- Working groups are led by experienced OSU trainees designed to create a cohort of advanced microbiome science researchers at OSU
- Meetings are monthly
- Working groups will include a mix of didactic instruction, question/answer sessions, and discussion about microbiome, virome, and advanced ecological statistics analyses
- For general information, please email microbiome@osu.edu

Working Groups
Ohio State University
For more details about CoMS working groups: please visit the CoMS Working Group Help page.
Microbiome Trainings and Workshops
Ohio Super Computer workshops
- https://www.osc.edu/events
- Includes trainings like “Introduction to Supercomputing at OSC”
The Erdős Institute
UCLA Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences
- https://qcb.ucla.edu/events/2019-02/
- Free online workshops on a variety of -omics analyses:
- RNA Seq
- Machine Learning
- Metagenomics (16S)
- Phylogenetics
Indiana University “Super Computing for Everyone Series"
- https://ittraining.iu.edu/events/events-listing.html
- Includes relevant trainings like “de novo Assembly of Transcriptomes”