Working Groups and Workshops

Microbiome Sciences: Animal, Plant, Human, Environment, and Engineered Systems

Working Groups

  • Working groups are led by experienced OSU trainees designed to create a cohort of advanced microbiome science researchers at OSU
  • Meetings are monthly
  • Working groups will include a mix of didactic instruction, question/answer sessions, and discussion about microbiome, virome, and advanced ecological statistics analyses
  • For general information, please email

Ohio State University

For more details about CoMS working groups: please visit the CoMS Working Group Help page.

Microbiome Trainings and Workshops

Ohio Super Computer workshops

The Erdős Institute

UCLA Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences

Indiana University “Super Computing for Everyone Series"

QIIME 2 Workshops

Mothur and R Workshops

6th EBAME Workshop on Computational Microbial Ecogenomics