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OSU Veterinary Medicine Faculty Driving Advances in Microbiome Research for Disease Prevention and Treatment

August 3, 2023

OSU Veterinary Medicine Faculty Driving Advances in Microbiome Research for Disease Prevention and Treatment

Be the model with cat, dogs, worms

Microbiome Modulation for Disease Outcomes research in Veterinary Medicine at OSU highlighted in AVMR article

A new Spotlight article in the American Journal of Veterinary Research highlights current research by CoMS members Dr. Vanessa Hale and Dr. Jenessa Winston.

Dr. Vanessa Hale, assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and associate director of the CoMS, is employing the gut and urine microbiome of wildlife and domestic animals as translational models to understand animal and human diseases better. A significant focus of her work is bladder cancer, a condition affecting over 60,000 dogs annually and a solid model for human bladder cancer.

Dr. Jenessa Winston, assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and a member of the CoMS advisory board, is working to expand microbiome science by exploiting the therapeutic power of microbes. With a focus on diseases associated with dysbiosis, like obesity and inflammatory bowel diseases, she uses microbial-directed therapies to restore microbiome health.

Both researcher programs utilize Center of Microbiome Science powered capabilities such as the Microbiome Platform at AMSL for sequencing and bioinformatics support.

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At OSU and want trainee support in microbiome science?