Microbiome Analyses Page

Microbiome Analyses Page

Amplicon metabarcoding

  • 16S rNA (18S & ITS possible)
  • Containment removal
  • Alpha/Beta diversity
  • Stacked bar charts
  • Ranked abundance curves
  • Differential abundance testing


Genome-resolved metagenomics

Prokaryotes, (dsDNA) Viruses, Eukaryotes

  • Identification
  • Draft genomes
  • Functional annotation 
  • Taxonomy
  • Abundance
  • Host linkage (viruses)

Custom analyses are also available and are billed hourly.

  • For custom analyses that may have broad appeal / applicability across the microbiome science community, clients may apply for a Center of Microbiome Science Bioinformatics Award, which can cover all or part of the costs of the customized pipeline development. [link to pdf with award instructions]

Link to example reports below: